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  • What is the difference between early harvest olive oil and mature harvest olive oil?
    Early harvest olive oil is obtained by harvesting olives that are completely green in color from the end of September to the beginning of November. The resulting oil has high bitterness, burning and fruitiness, and low acidity. In mature harvest olive oil, it is obtained by harvesting pink and purple olives from mid-November until January. The resulting oil has a milder flavor than the early harvest, and has a slightly higher acidity. Since early harvest olive oil is more valuable and rich in content, it is recommended to be consumed raw, while olive oil produced from mature harvest is more suitable for use in food.
  • What is cold pressed?
    If the temperature of the water used during olive squeezing is below 27 degrees, it is cold pressed.
  • How is the polyphenol value in olives determined?
    The polyphenol value in olives can vary depending on both the type of olive and the quality of production. The earlier the olive oil is pressed in the harvest period, the higher the polyphenol is obtained.
  • How does the olive oil filtering process take place? What are the differences between filtered olive oil and unfiltered olive oil?
    The olive oil produced in the early harvest is kept in a tank for several days. Olive oil, whose residue settles to the bottom, is transferred to another tank by cutting off its contact with the air. As the waiting period is much longer in mature harvests, the squeezed oil is passed through a paper filter immediately after olive oil production. Thus, a brighter olive oil is obtained.
  • How should olive oil be stored?
    Four main factors affect olive oil; heat, light, oxygen and humidity. Considering these four factors, it should be stored at 13-18 degrees, in the dark (in a place where there is no light), tightly closed in such a way that there is no air gap, preferably in glass or tin packages, away from moisture. If these conditions are met, olive oil will keep its freshness for two years.
  • Does real olive oil freeze?
    Although olive oil is expected to crystallize below +4 degrees, this is definitely not a purity criterion. Because there are many reasons for crystallization. There are many factors such as the type of olive used, squeezing technique, growing environment (flat, slope, stony etc.), climate, storage conditions, waiting time.
  • What color should real olive oil be?
    Color is not a purity criterion in olive oil, as is the degree of freezing. Due to the reasons mentioned above, there may be differences in the color of olive oil. Green or golden yellow color of olive oil does not affect its quality.
  • So which olive oil?
    1. Natural olive oils. This oil group is of two types: Extra virgin olive oil: It is the most valuable among natural oils. Infiltration The acid ratio of this type (in terms of oleic acid), known as olive oil, can be 0.8% at most. Natural first olive oil (virgin olive oil): It has the same properties as extra virgin olive oil. However, it is high in acid. It is olive oil with a maximum acidity (as oleic acid) of 2%. 2. Riviera type olive oil: It is a mixture obtained by adding 20% – 40% natural olive oil to refined olive oil. The acid content can be 1% or 1.5%. It is preferred for meals. Although its taste is similar to extra virgin olive oil, its nutritional value is much lower than that of natural olive oil. 3. Refined olive oil: It is obtained by chemically refining the olive pulp (pulp) from which the high acidic or natural olive oil called lampant is taken, which is not suitable for direct consumption. As a result of the refining process, the acidity of the oil is reduced to zero. It does not have any taste or smell. This oil cannot be consumed as it is.

Wondering About Olive Oil

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